The Video Advertising and In-game of the Digital Marketing Channels


It is classified as the brand inclusions or the merchandise within a digital game. The game permits the merchandise or the brands in placing the ads within a game, whichever in the subtle mode or within the outline of the marketing banner. There were lots of factors that were present in whether the products are winning in their advertisements of the brands, and it is their type of game, the 3-D/4-D technology, brands’ congruity of a game, prominence of supporting the game, technical platform, and also the game genre. The solo factor was consisted of views in the ways to the placing of the 
advertisements, flow or entertainment, game involvement, and also with the product involved.


It is the digital marketing where advertisements played on online videos such as YouTube videos. This kind of marketing had been witnessed in the increase of fame over time. The Online 

Video Advertising normally consisted of three kinds:

1. PRE-ROLL ADVERTISING – it is being played before the video will be viewed.

2. MID-ROLL ADVERTISING – it is being played during the video.

3. POST-ROLL ADVERTISNG – this is being played after someone is finished watching a particular video. The Post-Roll Advertising were revealed to have that better brand identification in connection to the other kinds, whereas the "ad-context congruity or incongruity played the significant role in reinforcing the ad memorability". Because of that selective attention of the viewers, there’s the likelihood that a message cannot be received. The major advantage of the video advertisements is that it disturbs the viewing experiences of the video wherein therefore there is the trying times in attempting to shun from them.

How the consumer will interact with the online videoadvertising may come down to these three stages:

1. Pre attention

2. Attention

3. Behavioral decision

These online advertisements offered the business choices and options. These consist of position, adjacent and the length of the video content that all directly influence the effectiveness of the created marketing time, thus, manipulating these variables may yield different outcomes. The length of the advertising has shown to influence the memorability whereas even in longer duration came out in an improve brand recognition. This kind of advertising, because of the nature of the viewer’s interruption, it seemed that the consumers can feel as if the experiences are being invaded or interrupted, making the negative perception of the brand. These marketing are also accessible to be allocated by the viewers, and by adding to the beauty of this platform. Allocating or giving out the videos may be equated to an online version of the word by the mouth marketing, extending the number of people being reached. Allocating videos make the six different outcomes and these are being "pleasure, affection, control, inclusion, escape, and relaxation. As well as, videos that consist of entertainment value are even more likely to give out, yet pleasure is considered as the toughest motivator to pass the videos on.


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